Wednesday, 29 April 2015


Friends now enemies
Someone you once ate with now enemy
Someone you once hugged now stinks
How long shall this continue......

We now turn blind eyes and deaf ears to dying souls
We embrace yet stabs behind
We cry peace yet act war
Where did our conscience go......

Its high time we put aside our differences
Our selfish and ignorant wants
Our hate, strife and envy
And join hands together to build we nation

Saturday, 18 April 2015


We were born, born to rule
We grew, grew sooo strong
We fight, fight for our rights
Many have lost their lives,
Some are yet to find a path.
Yet it continues, it never ends

If we fight, let's fight justly
If we die, let it be for a good cause
Let our children grow to full age
Let our children enjoy our labor
Let them look back and know
We did it for love........

Love, let it fill our hearts
Let it eat deep within our soul
Let it wipe away all hate and fear
Let it bring joy to our hearts
Let it re-unite and heal everyone

Doctors treat but God heals
Even doctors do need doctors
Let Love be our doctor
And God our healer........

My Thoughts
(LL Events)