Monday 7 March 2016

#GetitRightNigerians: South African Gay Singer, Dies of Anal Cancer.

#GetitRightNigerians: South African Gay Singer, Dies of Anal Cancer.:                                    Mzansi mourns the death of one of her singers, the musician surrendered to a battle with cancer this mo...

Wednesday 29 April 2015


Friends now enemies
Someone you once ate with now enemy
Someone you once hugged now stinks
How long shall this continue......

We now turn blind eyes and deaf ears to dying souls
We embrace yet stabs behind
We cry peace yet act war
Where did our conscience go......

Its high time we put aside our differences
Our selfish and ignorant wants
Our hate, strife and envy
And join hands together to build we nation

Saturday 18 April 2015


We were born, born to rule
We grew, grew sooo strong
We fight, fight for our rights
Many have lost their lives,
Some are yet to find a path.
Yet it continues, it never ends

If we fight, let's fight justly
If we die, let it be for a good cause
Let our children grow to full age
Let our children enjoy our labor
Let them look back and know
We did it for love........

Love, let it fill our hearts
Let it eat deep within our soul
Let it wipe away all hate and fear
Let it bring joy to our hearts
Let it re-unite and heal everyone

Doctors treat but God heals
Even doctors do need doctors
Let Love be our doctor
And God our healer........

My Thoughts
(LL Events)

Monday 9 February 2015


Many atimes we see funny happenings aound us and we wonder why. you come aound a well dressed young handsome/ beautiful man/ lady but just after some weeks of familiarization you find out they are mentally not stable. It baffels me.
How can a man open his mouth to ask a lady out and yet don't have the time to keep the relationship going? How can you claim busy all of a sudden? was he not busy when he was wooing her?  That's what I call madness!!!
In as much as one is trying to make ends meet, communication is key relationships. if its not there many loopholes sets in and before you know it "things fall apart" to a place of no return and you wished you had listened from the onset. Never allow Ego to rob you of what you deserve!!!
Keep communication alive in your relationships!!!

Monday 29 September 2014


To what extent do you wanna go in proving love? Many people have confused and misused the name LOVE! They have given it different definitions, yet only few has come to understand what true love means. On a scale of 1-10, 9 out of most relationships has been built on lies "if you love me you would sleep with me" .

Tell me what happens when you indulge in premarital sex with people simply because you wanna belong or be in a relationship? Imagine a boy/ girl in a relationship and sexually active but didn't work out. Then get into another which still didn't work out, think of it if its 20 people you have dated, that means you have slept with 20 people. How long would you continue before you realize SEX is not love?

Keep yourselves from  evil people who are out there to destroy and kill your destiny. Be wise and learn from people who have been there and know its wrong. Sex is only better in marriage and brings closeness to couples.Stay off if you are not married.

Its better you wait and do the right thing till the right person comes.....................

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Matters of the Heart!

often times, we find ourselves trapped in the hall way of decision. should I leave him/her or should i still try? you do everything you can, yet no attention or consideration. A friend of mine called me one early morning crying, WOW!!! What can be the issue? She said "he compares me with others and at the end he says he is not ready for commitment" How can someone stand such humiliation and dejection?

For ladies, its rather sad when you decide to wait,  you could wait in vain for him. But for guys, you stand a better chance no matter the age.I would advice ladies to move on. Don't worship or wait for who does not deserve you. would you rather prefer to have a battered heart than a quiet life of peace?

Put your energy to useful things rather than feel low esteem of yourself. If you know your purpose in life, you would not be trashed and tossed aside.When he/she say's they are not ready; it's either your not their spec or you're just there to do time till the real deal comes. Many times, people look for partner because they want to be  free from boredom, looking for a mother in a woman or father in a man, sexual satisfaction, house cleaner,cook,etc.

wake up people and face reality. when you know your worth, you wouldn't waste your time on issues that don't matter. Do you wish to return to your senses when its menopause or have grown grey hair or worst  disfigured from your physic. its time you let go and move on. There is more o life than wallow in pains and rejection. if its not working, its not working. Don't push it. If its meant to be, it would surely stand and you  would be at peace( when God is involved).